Whether you’ve just graduated from college or just looking for a change, most people would agree that looking for a new job can be a daunting prospect. It’s hard to know what to do first or where to start. But regardless of why you’re on the path to a new career, the key to making it a smooth transition is simple. Preparation. To help you prepare for the future you always dreamed of, we’ve rounded up 6 tips for a less stressful job search. 

Explore the job market

For your chosen profession. Online platforms like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn are excellent resources for seeing what jobs out there, in what quantity, and where they might be located. You can also get a sense of what sort of salary range you might expect.  

Get your professional story down on paper

You’ll need to create a professional resume and cover letter that truly highlights your skills and tells your professional story in the best way possible. It should be tailored specifically to each position you are applying for. A well-crafted resume can be the thing that sets you apart from the competition so make sure to consult a professional or career services for assistance. 

Speaking of professionals

Talk to a career counselor about your goals and get their professional feedback on your resume, the job market, and what they think your next step should be. 

Practice for interviews

Everyone probably has a palm-sweating, heart racing interview story. Let’s face it, it can be very intimidating to sit down across from someone and tell them why they should hire you. So, get some practice by anticipating what questions you might be asked and practice your responses. Get someone to do a mock interview and keep at it until the nerves are gone! (or at least under control.) 

Learn about the company

Research the company you are interviewing with. If you appear knowledgeable at the interview about what the company does, its history, etc. It shows employers that you’re really interested in working for them.  

Do your homework on interview etiquette

You don’t necessarily have to show up in a 3-piece suit but make sure you’re looking professional and well-groomed without going overboard. Keep strong cologne or perfume to a minimum and avoid heavy makeup that appears more club than office. Keep tattoos and piercings covered where possible. The point is to avoid things that can distract the attention from your skills and what you bring to the table professionally. 

There are plenty of unknowns when you’re about to embark on the road to a brand-new future. But taking control of the process is a step towards removing those unknowns and landing the job you always dreamed of. After all, luck is just the thing that happens when preparation meets opportunity! So, make your own luck by being prepared for what comes next with these 6 tips for a less stressful job search. If you’re looking for a place to get started on a whole new future, check out the programs at Summit College. With Allied Health, Technical and Trade, and AP /Payroll & Human Resources Programs, Summit is not just helping students get education and training, we’re also helping them navigate what happens after. Our Career Services Department will be with you every step of the way to assist you with all of the above on your journey to a brighter future! Contact us today to learn more or to schedule a consultation with our admissions department.