Making the decision to go back to school can be a life-changing and exciting journey. And you’re probably pretty jazzed to get started on your journey to the career you’ve dreamed about for so long! But then it hits you – you’re not exactly sure how to get started. To help you get on the path your future self will thank you for, we’ve put together a step by step guide to admissions and enrollment in order to help you navigate those important first steps.

1. Schedule a consultation with the admissions department

You may have done your initial homework on what program you’re interested in. But an admissions advisor can talk about all the finer points of the program with you. They can answer questions about prerequisites, schedules, program requirements or just about anything you need to know. Including potential employment opportunities

2. Set up a time to tour the campus

Wherever you decide to go, you’ll want to actually go and visit the campus. Especially if there are multiple locations near you. What better way to see which one feels right for you? It will also help you to become familiar with the layout of the campus, so you’ll be better prepared when classes start.

3. Check into financial aid

Complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible. It can be completed online and will determine your eligibility for financial aid. If you have any questions, our financial aid staff will be your resource.

4. Apply to the school of your choice

Coordinate with the admissions and financial aid departments to complete your application. Be sure to note any important dates for deadlines and required test scores to include in your application packet.

5. Attend Orientation

Prior to the start of classes, you will be invited to attend orientation. This is the perfect opportunity to learn more about the campus, meet your instructors and even network with other students. Orientation is also a great time to ask any remaining questions you may have thought of after the initial interview.

6. Get your schedule and start classes

Your admissions representative will help you determine the start dates for your program and work with you on the schedule that is right for you.

The only thing left to do is to jump in with both feet and enjoy the ride! If you’d like to get the process started, contact Summit College today. You can also take our Career Training Readiness Quiz to evaluate your career readiness! At Summit, we’re committed to being by your side every step of the way during your education and after you graduate. Call now to learn more.